Thursday, February 09, 2006

las vivas de vivo's

thursday afternoon of the rejection email, my roommate, olga, comes in to find me on the phone, crying to my dad. when i get off the phone, i start my sobbing to her.

earlier in the afternoon, before the email, we agreed that we would spend the late afternoon working at a coffeeshop with another one of our girlfriends.
i'm clearly in no shape to be writing my article this afternoon.

"do you want to go get a drink?" she asks me.

"but it's only four in the afternoon."

"it's after noon!" she says.

"ok." (she was twisting my arm after all.)

olga calls for reinforcements. she rounds up two of our girlfriends and we agree to meet for drinks at vivo's, a bright restaurant/bar near our house.

"first drink's on me," olga says.

i am still puffy-eyed and sniffling when we get to vivo's. cristina and laura are already at the bar, looking sympathetic as i sit and start to whine. how hard i'd worked on that application. how much i wanted this postdoc. how upset i'd be if i knew anyone else had gotten it. i am sad and selfish and angry.

three shots of tequila and one shared plate of appetizers later, i'm feeling significantly better. we are sharing gossip, poking fun of professors, commiserating about grad school workloads, job possibilities, attempting to uncover the mysteries of the male mind.

olga suggests clementine's for a sobering cup of coffee. we sit on red couches in front of large rectangular windows, and watch the last light of the day fade. olga and laura talk about knitting projects; cristina and i talk about boys. actually, i talk; cristina gives me advice.

i look at these girls, and i love them so much for dropping everything to help nurse me back to happiness. they all have work; they are all stressed; but they are all here with me.

it's true. i have still been rejected by my postdoc. i still have no idea where i'll be or how i'll be paying my bills come july. but i realize that the afternoon has somehow become sweet.



Joel said...

good friends can help make life tolerable during the tough times... and three shots of tequilla doesn't hurt either!

coVacha said...

siento mucho lo de tu postdoc, y los buenos amigos nunca sobran.

siempre es bueno tener mas de una opcion en los caminos a elegir de la vida...


jennifer said...

yes, i do love my girlfriends.
but i'm also really glad that this week is over.
ojala que tenga mas suerte en la semana que entra!!!

Daily Texican said...

I need to read your blog consistently to know what the hell is going on.
1) sorry about the gigs. I've been rejected so many times. I've come to realize, it's not me it's them!
2) chicano studies at u.t.? and you're trying to figure out the male mind. Vamos a ver. I can help you figure out the minds of the Chicano male professors (some ex-professors now directors of Chicano studies programs at other universities - no names).

They like women. Married, who cares? Much younger, les vale madre. Sexual harrassment - oye, oye, calmada, calmada, mija. It's just a joke.

3) Vivos - I have a camarada from h.s. who works there. Next time you go ask for the waiter from McAllen. He's badass.

jennifer said...

dt - i have a comment about #2, but will save it for a less public forum. i do maintain, however, that the minds of men my age are a mystery.
p.s. thanks for the vivo's headsup. will look up your friend.