Wednesday, March 01, 2006

lenten role modeling

it snuck up on me again this year.

but today is ash wednesday.

i let my students out of class five minutes early and cancelled my office hours so that i could make mass at noon.

one of my students approached me as i was erasing the blackboard and asked if i was going to the university catholic center. i tell her, yes, and she says, "i'll go with you."

we walk across campus together, me in my black pumps, she in her sneakers. it doesn't occur to me to be uncomfortable while we are walking. not even when we enter the sanctuary and bless ourselves with holy water. it's when we take our seats and kneel to pray that i begin to feel awkward.

this is not a separation of church and state issue for me. it's just that my practices of faith are generally very private.

i go to church every sunday by myself; my family is all in california. i've become accustomed to praying with no one watching. singing amidst people who don't really know who i am. and i've come to appreciate my religious privacy. it helps me to focus on the Mass, on my prayers.

but this afternoon, i felt extremely self-conscious praying and singing alongside my student.

i have to think, though, that this is the reason it's important for me to be a university professor. i want my students to see me teaching their university classes and to think that we are similar. we are mexican american. we are women. we are catholic. and we are professors.

so i swallowed my discomfort and participated in the Ash Wednesday celebration alongside my student.
and afterward i accepted her invitation to accompany her for a lenten lunch. ;)



Joel said...

see thats where you and I differ a bit... I could never go to church by myself because I wouldnt know what to do... like when to sit or kneel or do anything.
I've only been to church a few times, and it was mainly methodist or baptist churches, and (in addition to being boring) they felt kinda fake in a way I'm not sure how to describe...
Catholic Church seems kinda interesting to me. Lots of standing and kneeling, and lighting candles and what not... then you do the confession thing. Plus you've got all kinds of diferent Saints to pray to... and I like the idea of flexible hours... it seems to me that there's always a lot of masses to choose from. IDK, I'm rambling.

Cincysundevil said...

I totally didn't go yesterday. I was a bad Catholic. At least you didn't burst into flames when you walked into the church!! ... J/K