Saturday, December 24, 2005


every year we get together--my mom her closest sister, my cousin and her family, me, and sometimes my sister--to make tamales. and every year my mom swears it will be the last time.

making tamales is labor intensive. cooking the meat; shredding the meat; de-seeding the chiles and then soaking them to make salsa; adding just enough salt/chile/baking powder/crisco(yes, we're health conscious! ;) to the masa; amasando bien; soaking and cleaning the hojas. when we finish all of the above, then we can begin the arduous process of assembling the tamales. spreading the masa on an hoja, adding meat, and wrapping each tamal. the tamales need to be placed carefully in a deep pot and steam-cooked for an hour to an hour and a half.

yesterday we made tamales from twenty five pounds of masa. and we were tired. my hands stung from peeling chiles. we all complained of aching backs. our fingers like prunes from handling so many wet hojas.

why, then, do we continue to make tamales year after year?

it's a tradition. making tamales is an important part of mexican culture. it's a traditional food of which we partake during christmas. anthropologists appreciate that aspect of culture. ;)

but on a more personal level, it's also something that my mom and her sisters did with their mom. i like the idea of carrying the tradition to another generation. making tamales gives us a reason to get together, to spend time with one another. to catch up on our lives. to gossip about other family members! to remember old stories.

a tamalada definitely revolves around food and its preparation. it also revolves around family, and strengthening the bonds that already connect us to each other.



under the red sky said...

that's a lot of tamales. My jefa only made 10 lbs. but then again she also made posole. I think I'm still full

Cincysundevil said...

Uhhhh .... do you think you could ship me a dozen? J/K ... my mother and aunts get together to do the same thing every year

jennifer said...

do you boys ever help out???

Cincysundevil said...

Are you kidding? If I try to help, I'll only screw it up. Why mess with perfection? .... LOL ....

Joel said...

I just saw that picture of all the tamales and let out an involontary gasp... my wife asked if I was looking at porn and walked over to the computer to check... when she saw the tamales picture she let out a similar gasp!
Now we're hungry.

Anonymous said...

Reading this post wore me out. I know how tiring it is. We usually make 25-30 pounds worth. Every year I say that is it but it really isn't. It is a tradition - long live the family time, the masa mixing, the tired hands and feet and aching back and the wonderful quality time with family. (and the extra pounds we put on eating the tamales!) :-)