Tuesday, May 17, 2005


friday afternoon marked a milestone for my family. my sister's boyfriend drove to bakersfield (unbeknownst to her) to ask my parents for their blessing to propose to my sister.

as my dad recounted the story to me, he said, "he asked for our blessing and then we had a little talk."

"what do you mean, 'a little talk'?" i asked.

"you know, i just told him that we love all of our children very much... we think that they deserve to be treated well... and i told him that s (my sister) is very high maintenance."

"you told him that?!"


"what did he say?"

"he said that he knew that, but he felt she had other redeeming qualities..."

i have to wonder what brutally honest fact my father would share with any man who would dare propose to me! i can just imagine. "you know, suitor-of-my-daughter, jennifer is a crazy marxist." and my beloved would say, "yes sir, i know. that's what i love about her." :)

anyway, my little sister (four years younger) is getting married. i know that this has been a long time coming; she is ecstatic. i'm happy for her. even if it does mean that i'm going to be a bridesmaid. again.


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