Tuesday, January 23, 2007

teaching worries

this afternoon i picked up a large yellow envelope marked CONFIDENTIAL from my faculty mailbox. the return address indicated that it had been sent to me by the vice provost.

my faculty chair caught me as i was walking out of the office and remarked, motioning to the yet unopened envelope, that i was the first person to receive her teaching evaluations from last quarter.

"you did very well!" he said.

i was a little surprised since the letter said "confidential" and all, but it's logical that he--my boss--should also receive a copy of the evals.

usually, i wait until i'm in a room all by myself to open the envelope holding my teaching evaluations, but, since i'd already be pre-judged, i opened them as i was walking up the stairwell to my office.

he's right. i did well.

i'm always paranoid about evaluations, because inevitably there will be some student who will say that you are disorganized or that you talk too much or are an unfair grader or that you are a narcissist. (everyone gets those comments, right?).

these comments weren't bad. one students did remark that i say "ummmmmm" too much. hmph.

in any event, these evaluations come at a good time for me. i'm having a hard time teaching this quarter. it's a new class for me, and i have been feeling a bit like i'm floundering to make my most basic points. and i have yet to be able to fill an entire hour and a half time period (except for today, because, mercifully, i was able to show a film).

hopefully the ego boost will help. or, ummmmmmmm, maybe not.



la rebelde said...

I always dread getting evals back. Sounds like yours were great! And as for filling an hour and a half, I say, come up with good group activities. I like ones that are designed for high school teachers to use--they're entertaining and you can adapt them for undergrads. And students love it!...well, ummm, usually.

Anonymous said...

congrats on the great teaching evaluations! TQM - J

Joel said...

I ummm can't believe ahhhh that you ever ahhhh you know, nervous about it... ummm congrats on a good job.

under the red sky said...

I also hate evaluations! The important thing though, is that you blew them away! Great job!!!

Vanessa said...

Whenever I get my evaluations, my faculty coordinator kindly reminds me that some students make negative comments just to make negative comments. I'd like to think I'm not so thin-skinned to be bothered by that stuff--but it's still nice to hear!

Congratulations on your positive reviews.

HispanicPundit said...

Hey, atleast your evaluation is not on RateMyProfessor.com for everyone else to see. Give it a few quarters though, its like amazon book reviews, it will eventually make it there for everyone to see. I'm sure it will be nothing but good reviews, anyway.