Sunday, June 18, 2006

happy father's day

in this picture (circa 1979), i bear a striking resemblance to my dad. i actually remember being photographed; i remember wanting to emulate his expression. i wanted to be just like him.

though these days, i am more the spitting image of my mom, i still believe myself to be deeply influenced by my dad.

when i was in high school, i told him that i wanted to learn about politics, and he encouraged me to read the editorial pages of the newspaper. in that way, he told me, i would get to read different peoples' opinions about poltical (or politicized) issues. he encouraged my high school involvement in speech and debate because i would be forced to understand and debate both sides of a particular issue.

though as a younger man, my dad was a democrat, he is now a moderate republican. i imagine that, over the years, it must have caused him some consternation that his eldest daughter had become so liberal. a chicana! a marxist! i don't know how he felt when i told him that i wanted to get a ph.d. in anthropology, but he never tried to dissuade me. he trusted me.

nonetheless, my father, the republican, always keeps me grounded. he quietly sends me articles and editorials he finds in the bakersfield californian or in the los angeles times. offers me a perspective he knows that i probably won't receive in liberal academia. we talk, in the most calm and rational way, about different political issues. he as open as i am to a different perspective. because i consider my dad to be a thinker, and because he has lived a longer and harder life than i have, i respect his opinion.

though i consider myself to be very independent, i am very much my parents' child, holding strongly to their integrity, their values, their stories and perspectives. and i'm grateful to be rooted in that way.

i love you, dad.



Anonymous said...

It is good to hear you two have such a great relationship. Espero que un dia tengo el placer de conocerlo.

under the red sky said...

What a cutie!!!

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

It's great that you don't mind looking like your parents. Some of us are disturbed by such resemblances.

HispanicPundit said...

You know what they say, "If you're not Liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not Conservative when you're 35, you have no brain."

It seems like your dad has both - heart and brains!

In all seroiusness, your dad seems like a very well rounded person and it's great to see you have such a good relationship with him, many people, sadly, can't say that anymore.

Happy Fathers day to your dad!