Friday, June 10, 2005


staying in elsa with cristina's family. from here it is about a 20-25 minute drive to la feria.
i take the backroads because i hate the traffic on the expressway and because i love driving through "the country" or, when my mom lived here, "el rancho."
heading east i pass fields of languid sugar cane, graceful in the wind. south toward la feria bright orange-red fields of sorgum, others tall and flexible stalks of corn. few other souls on the road. it is empty and free. i would like to keep driving even as i approach la feria's city limits.

the interviews yesterday went well. i'm still not sure if i'm getting all the information i need, but peoples' stories, as always, are very powerful. i listen closely. i try to understand. i realize that it is good for me (therapeutic) to focus on other people, not so much on myself. especially not now.


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